tirsdag den 1. februar 2011

Review of Braveheart - By Thomas

Review of Braveheart

Thomas Hass Thomsen
5/5 bagpipes

The movie was released in 1995. And I can’t imagine anything else, than it was the most spectacular movie, they had ever seen. The Movie is Directed by Mel Gibson, Produced by Mel Gibson, William Wallace the main character of the movie, is played by Mel Gibson. And I can’t say nothing else than it’s a stunning movie. It’s a love story, action and history all in one.
We’re back in the 1200, when the king Edward Longshank ruled England – and Scotland. William was a boy, whose father was killed. His uncle adopted him, and he traveled around Europe. When William grow up, he returned to Scotland, and he felt in love with a beautiful girl called Murron. They married in secret, because otherwise the English knights should have the bride the wedding night. One day some English men came to the village and, they tried to rape Murron, but William fought back, they caught Murron and executed her in front of the people. William became crazy, and he killed the English knight who did it, and his men. After this, William and the men of the village started a rebel army to fight against the England. It went good, and William and his now big army, freed Scotland, but it wasn’t enough, they fought England on their own ground, and William was a good commander, who could talk and fight. But one of his men, a noble betrayed him, and the King got him, and he was executed.
This movie got some great fighting scenes. One of William speeches is world known. Mel Gibson plays excellent and so does a lot of the other actors.
I think this movie is a must see. 

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